Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly DBDebunk News (UPDATED)

Welcome and thanks to readers, subscribers, well wishers and all expressions of interest and support.

1. Except for some Blogger bugs, the blog format seems to be working better than the old site, so at some point in the next few weeks I will drop the latter and probably shift the blog to the old domain. As far as I can tell, the current blogspot URL will continue to work. I will keep you posted.

2. Currently my top priority is to revise and expand my papers, seminars and to add to them. I am also experimenting with self-publishing on Kindle, which proves to be a hassle. This will keep me busy for a while, so if I  am not as responsive/active as I would like to be, thanks for your patience.

3. As a result of comments to two of my posts that identified some problems, I have taken them offline for revision and I will repost them as soon as I can.
Looks like I am a bit rusty after so many years in the wilderness. I apologize for the inconvenience. (UPDATE: My revised first post has been republished).

Please feel free to contact me at the address on the About page with submissions for debunking, questions, comments or whateve.

It's good to be back.

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