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Here's a comment from an exchange on LinkedIn (emphasis mine):
"Aside from those people involved in analytics … pretty much nobody cares about the methods used to create the analysis. Especially not at the top of the tree. What they care about is the result itself -- how does this improve my ROI? What insight does this give me that I didn't have before? How can I use this analysis to add value to my organisation? They certainly care that the methods employed produce an accurate result, but the detail? Nope. Not one jot. Sorry."How can management ensure that the results are accurate without knowing the methods? The only way, of course, is to hire analysts that guarantee accuracy. This burdens the analysts with the responsibility to apply scientific method and to find ways to convey uncertainties, if any, to management.
Consider the following scenario, presented by Morton Kamp on his Human Capital blog. An analyst works very hard to correlate training programs with increased profits, and one particular program correlates strongly:
"You present your findings to the management board. You say, "I have identified this strong correlation between this particular program and bottom line profits BUT as you all know, correlation does not mean causality."In other words, the positive correlation of
"So what do you say, should we roll this program out to all of our sales people or not?""Well, I can't actually say for sure that attending this training program will make your sales people produce higher profits or if it is the sales people who are very profitable who happen to attend this particular training program for unknown reasons. The only thing I can say is that the two variables appear to correlate."The meeting ends and you wonder why your next analytics project doesn't get funded."
Training program <--> Profit increasecan be explained by either of the two causal models:
- Program attendance --> Sales rep's profitability
- Sales rep's profitability --> Program attendance
"If they believe that the particular training program has led to significant increase in profits from the sales people attending the program, that's it... I know it is not "correct" or "true" but it is good enough. And most likely you will be right."We can argue about the validity and reliability of the interviews, but if you do them, you're not pretending -- you are testing for causality.
But suppose that, realistically, interviewed managers disagree, or are uncertain about the effect of the program on sales reps. What then?
Companies have data on profitability and training of sales reps. (If they don't, they have much more serious problems to contend with.) You do some analysis and find that the more profitable sales reps attended the course. Is that evidence for the reverse causality? Would you recommend against training? Is there any kind of evidence that would change your mind
As the initial comment suggests, management is interested not only in the direction of causality but in its financial implications. And when there is uncertainty, in particular, management must consider the cost of a possibly wrong recommendation. In our case, it could be that the first model holds, but you recommend against training, or the first model does not hold, but you recommend training.
Hopefully, all your heavy research effort yielded cost-benefit measures of a correct decision.
Related posts:
- Pass the Salt Along With That 'Data Science'
- If Correlation Doesn't Equal Causality, What Else Might it Equal?
- Real Data Science: General Theories of Data
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