Sunday, July 27, 2014

Weekly Update UPDATED

1. Quote of the Week
Q: In a nutshell, what does RDF based Linked Data facilitate?
A: The ability to find and describe stuff using attributes (relations, properties, features, fields, characteristics).

2. To Laugh or Cry?
Data Model now offers Relationship Modeling

3. Online Debunking
Data Vaults - Why Or Why Not

4. Elsewhere
5. And now for something completely different

In its decline, theWest is becoming impotent and increasingly irrelevant in world affairs e.g. Russia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Libya, you name it. It is taking hypocritically its frustration on Israel and the Jews--its classic scapegoating during crises--reinforced by fear from internal Islam.

I am restarting my PostWest blog and will link regularly to posts in this section.

Critical comments that
  • fail to show my facts to be false; or, if they are true, that my conclusions do not follow;
  • are posted anonymously
will not be published and addressed.

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