Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekly Update (UPDATED)

1. Quote of the Week
I have been in the data side of IT for quite some time now and have seen the evolution of how data is ingested, manipulated and regurgitated to the end users in hope of telling our consumers "how much of something did something". The main issue seems to be complexity of the data models and the fact we don't have a model that can expand with the data without adding tons of new schema. The solution.

2. To Laugh or Cry?

3. Online Debunkings

4. Interesting Elsewhere

5. And now for something completely different

The PostWest
  1. Zarif: The Netanyahu regime 'should be annihilated'
  2. Iran’s Shiite Drive Scoops up Yemen en Route from Syria & Iraq
  3. Allies may see Iran deal as sign of superpower in retreat 
  4. Turkey joins Saudi-Pakistani Sunni Nuclear Partnership versus Iran’s Shiite Nuke 
  5. US shifted from preventing nuclear Iran to containment 
  6. Iran brings Europe within range with new cruise missile

What exactly was factually inaccurate in Netanyahu speech, again?

And don't believe the mainstream press:

The oldest hatred in the New World

Arab-Israeli Conflict reality check

This week's video

This week's book

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