Order papers targeted at the data professional/user who thinks critically and independently and appreciates a scientific approach, rather than follows the IT industry's fad-driven "cookbook mode". They offer accessible explanations the true relational technology—what we believe it would have been had  E.F. Codd completed his work—and the practical implications thereof. The papers outline McGoveran's re-interpretation of Codd's work that is consistent with the theoretical foundation of RDM and is distinct from the version that emerged in the industry after Codd's passing. 

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 This series:

  • Dispels common, misuse and abuse of data and relational fundamentals;
  • Clarifies fundamental terminology, concepts and features of the real RDM that are ignored, distorted and misunderstood in the industry;
  • Conveys the practical advantages of  RDM of which practitioners are unaware and/or which the industry has failed to deliver.



Table of Contents

1. Information and Data
2. Object-properties Modeling
3. Properties and Relationships
4. Kinds of Properties
   4.1. Entity Properties
        4.1.1. First Order Properties
      Observed/Measured 1OPs
      Inferred 1OPs
      Primitive 1OPs
      Properties in Context
        4.1.2. Metalogical Properties
      Assertion “Property”
      Designation “Property
        4.1.3  Second Order Properties
   4.2. Group Properties
        4.2.1. Uniqueness 3OPs
        4.2.2. Functional Dependency 3OPs
        4.2.3. Intra-aggregates 3OPs
        4.2.4. Meaning Criteria
   4.3. Multigroup Properties
        4.3.1. Inter-entities 4OPs
        4.3.2. Inter-aggregates 4OPs
5. Business Rules
   5.1. Property Rules
        5.1.1. 1OP BRs
        5.1.2. 1OPic BRs
   5.2. Entity 2OP Rules
   5.3. Group 3OP Rules
        5.3.1. Uniqueness BRs
        5.3.2. Functional Dependency BRs
        5.3.3. Intra-aggregates BRs
   5.4. Multigroup 4OP Rules
        5.4.1. Inter-entities BRs
        5.4.2. Inter-aggregates BRs

Table of Contents


1. Interpretation and Formalization
2. Entity Properties
2.1. Ontological Commitment
2.2. Kinds of Property
2.2.1. Observed/Measured Properties
2.2.2. Inferred Primitive Properties
3. Relational Domains and Attributes
3.1. Domains As Data Types
3.1.1. RDM and Programming Data Types
3.1.2. Abstract Data Types
3.2. Domain Definition
3.2.1. Domain Predicate
3.2.2. Domain Operators
4. Kinds of Domain
4.1. Base and Derived Domains
4.2. Primitive Domains
5.3. Atomic ("Simple") Domains
5.4. Complex (Derived) Domains
5. RDM Type System
6. DBMS Domain Support
6.1. A Complex Domain Example
6.2. SQL Built-in Data Types
Appendix A: Entities, Properties, and Codd’s Sleight of Hand
Appendix B: Domain Evolution in Codd’s Thought

 Table of Contents

1. Interpretation of Database Relations
1.1. Attributes as Constrained Domains
1.2. Time-Varying Relations
2. Representation of Database Relations
2.1. Physical Data Independence
2.1.1. Uniquely Named Attributes
2.1.2. Primary Keys
2.1.3. Relations and R-tables
3. Normalization
3.1. First Normal Form and “Simple” Domains
3.2. Normalization and Nonsimple Domains
3.2.1. Foreign Keys


Table of Contents

1. Logical Symmetric Access
2. Universal Data Sublanguage
2.1. FOPL vs. SOL
2.2. Relational Completeness
2.3. Computational Completeness and Hosting
3. Kinds of Relations
3.1. Expressible and Named Relations
3.2. Derived Relations
3.3. Data Storage
4. Derived Relations and Redundancy
4.1. Database Consistency
5. Database Catalog


Table of Contents
1. The Normal Form
2. First Normal Form
2.1. FOPL vs. SOL
3. Domain Decomposability and Value Atomicity
4. 1NF and Tables
5. SQL and 1NF
5.1. Repeating Groups and Repeated Attributes
5.2. Information Principle and SQL


Table of Contents

1. Entities, Properties, Names, and Identifiability
2. Relational Representation
3. Relational Keys
4. Kinds of Key
4.1. Candidate, Primary and Alternate Keys
4.2. Natural and Surrogate Keys
5. Formal Primary Key Mandate
6.Primary Key Selection
7. Key Constraints
8. Primary Keys and Performance
8.1. Indexes
Appendix: Duplicates (and SQL)
1. SQL and PKs
2. Duplicates
2.1. Interpretation
2.2. Result Correctness
2.3. Query Nestability
2.4. Language Redundancy
2.5. Performance Optimization
2.6. Performance Optimization

Table of Contents

1. “Inapplicable Data”: Nothing's Missing
2. Missing Data: Into the Unknown
3. SQL NULL: What-Valued Logic?
4. Known Unknowns: Metadata
5. A Relational Solution
5.1. The Practicality of Theory
5.2. A Real World Example
5.3. Relation Proliferation
6. Questions/Comments/Objections







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Last updated  1/16/25

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