Showing posts with label CCL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCL. Show all posts

Friday, March 19, 2021

Data Sublanguages vs. Programming Languages

Revised 3/20/21

I recently came across a review of Edsger Dijkstra's work, where the following comment on a book he co-authored (referred to as D&S) raised my debunking antennae:

“... in general computer people seem to have a penchant for whipping up homebrew logics ... D&S is not the only example ... See E.F. Codd’s Relational Calculus, an obvious mess.”
--Maarten van Emden, A Bridge too Far: E.W. Dijkstra and Logic 

Having recently argued that "Codd was wrong" and "You're teaching [his] gospel" Betray Lack of Foundation Knowledge, my suspicion should hardly surprise. Besides, criticism of Dijkstra is a very tall order in itself, particularly in the context of disputes among logicians). As a reader asked, "What’s so obviously messy in Codd’s Relational Calculus?". Answer:

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Understanding Codd's 12 Rules for RDBMS

In response to an online publication of a book appendix regurgitating Codd's 12 famous rules (some of which were, typically, incorrect[1]) I posted earlier a clarification of the rules. This is a revision thereof for better consistency with the new understanding of the RDM based on McGoveran's re-interpretation, extension and formalization[2] of Codd's work.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

TYFK: Why is a relational database so powerful?

 Note: About TYFK posts (Test Your Foundation Knowledge) see the post insert below.
“...the theoretical awesomeness of relational algebra is kinda hard to intuitively relate back to your payroll or audit-log tables - the real power is the computed join ... it lets you dynamically fetch sets of data in the exact format that you need ... with any group of tables in the dataset. Unlike other data models, where the things you can fetch are typically fixed when you define your elements, and where relationships between data - if any - are statically defined in advance ... joins let you specify the relationships between objects (rows and tables in SQL-based relational databases) ... create queries and run them on your data without needing to write a lot of extra code beyond the SQL itself. This Ad Hoc Query capability ends up being hugely valuable when doing "secondary" business tasks in a big data world such as doing reporting and analytics, and is often hugely difficult to do in non-relational environments without a lot of extra code and often a specialized reporting schema.”

“Relational theory as applied to databases is that all data is connected to each other, keyed to each piece ... And with a SQL query [you can] create anything that can exist, as output.”

“...main so called power of RDBMs lies within ACID compliance. A transaction in a RDB is Atomic, Consistent, isolated, durable ... makes a database useful, unique, or I suppose powerful ... let's say you update or insert some new record, right in the middle power goes out, due to ACID compliance your transaction will not go through ... either the operation will complete or fail, nothing in between. [And RDBMSs are] tried, tested and true for almost 50 years.”

First try to detect the misconceptions then check against our debunking (some of the above is correct per se but not directly relevant to relational power, some only partially correct, and some is wrong. Can you discern which is which?) If there isn't a match, you can acquire the necessary foundation knowledge in our POSTS, BOOKS, PAPERS, LINKS or, better, organize one of our on-site SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Comments on a Stonebraker Article

These comments were prompted by a LinkedIn post referencing Michael Stonebraker's Those Who Forget the Past Are Doomed to Repeat It  -- something I often reiterate myself -- where he argues:
“Over the past decade, there have been a number of DBMSs introduced (typically labeled as NoSQL) which utilize a network or hierarchical data model. MongoDB and Cassandra come immediately to mind as examples. Some such systems support networks through the concepts of "links" and some support hierarchical data using a nested data model often utilizing JSON. In my opinion, these systems have not internalized lessons from history.
“At the SIGFIDET (now SIGMOD) annual conference in 1974, there was a "Great Debate" over the merits of the relational model versus the network and hierarchical models ... Basically, the argument was about which model [relational or network] was a better fit for structured data (as opposed to documents, e-mails, etc.) and boiled down to two questions:

Question 1: Are high-level data sublanguages a good idea?
Question 2: Are tables the best data structure or should one use a network or hierarchy?”

“The last 45 years have definitely affirmed Codd’s position on both issues ... The conclusion from the 1970s was that the relational model provides superior data independence, compared to the network and hierarchical [graph] models. Forty-five years later, this conclusion is still true. If you want to insulate yourself from the changes that business conditions dictate, use a relational DBMS. If you want the successor to the successor to your job to thank you for your wise decision, use a relational model.”
I couldn't agree more, having repeatedly argued this myself. But he misses some old aspects that the industry has failed to recognize, has ignored, or dismissed[1]; and some important new aspects due to a new understanding of Codd's work[2].

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Data Sublanguage Part 4: Conclusion

In Parts 1, 2, and 3  we showed that when the RDM is the data model:
  • A data sublanguage is short for data manipulation language (DML) that combines (1) a relationally complete retrieval component (i.e., that expresses the RA) with (2) a component that expresses updates as relation transformations;
  • A DBMS language is a careful combination, for practical purposes, of the data sublanguage with several sublanguages, each of which expresses a data management function (e.g., data definition, transactions, concurrency, authorizations) -- that are not relational, but are consistent with the RDM, and must not include syntactic elements that are at odds with, or subvert those of the DML.
Note: The RDM is the only data model consistent with Codd's definition that has been formalized [1].

We are now in a position to debunk the two quotes that triggered this series.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Data Sublanguage Part 2: Data Manipulation and Definition

Revised 10/10/2019.

In Part 1 we showed that Codd intended in 1969 to base the RDM on axiomatic set theory (AST) and second order logic (SOL) to accommodate relation-valued domains (RVD) (i.e., sets of sets), but that for the benefit of relational advantages and to avoid SOL problems he had to trade off the expressive power of AST/SOL for the simple set theory (SST) of proper sets (i.e., relations in normal form) expressible in first order predicate logic (FOPL) and, thus, computational for relational completeness[1]. He retained the power of the former for applications by hosting a relationally complete FOPL-based language expressing the RA in computationally complete programming languages (CCL).

We also alerted to an important, but unnoticed detail: data sublanguage appeared in the 1970 paper -- in 1969 Codd referred to retrieval sublanguage. This can be understood only with reference to the theoretical foundation of the RDM.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Data Sublanguage Part 1: Relational vs. Computational Completeness

Note: I have revised the "Logical Access, Data Sublanguage, Kinds of Relations, Database Redundancy, and Consistency" paper in the "Understanding the Real RDM" series" (available from the PAPERS page) for consistency with this post.

“Recently I have read that SQL is actually a data sublanguage and not a programming language like C++ or Java or C# ... The answers ... have the pattern of "No, it is not. Because it's not Turing complete.", etc, etc. ... I am a bit confused, because since you can develop things through SQL, I thought it is similar to other programming languages ... I am curious about knowing why exactly is SQL not a programming language? Which features does it lack? (I know it can't do loops, but what else more?)”
“The SQL operators were meant to implement the relational algebra as proposed by Dr. Ted Codd. Unfortunately Dr. Codd based some of his ideas on a "extended set theory", which was an idea formulated and described in a 1977 paper by D. L. Childs ... But Childs’ extensions were not ideally suited, which is explained in quite some detail in [a] book ... by Professor Gary Sherman & Robin Bloor [who] argue that mainstream Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory (Cantor), would have been a better starting point. One key issue is that sets should be able to be sets of sets.”

The concept of a sublanguge cannot be understood without foundation knowledge and familiarity with the history of the database management field, both lacking in the industry.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Understanding Data Modeling Part 3: OO/UML, and "Graph Data Models"

In Part 1 we presented some foundation knowledge with which to debunk misconceptions lurking in the industry's "data modeling" mess that Friesendal has tried to catalog. In Part 2 we applied this knowledge to the first two modeling approaches considered by Friesendal, the E/RM and RDM. We apply it here to other two, OO/UML and "GDM".

Object Orientation and Unified Modeling Language

“A "counter revolution" against the relational movement was attempted in the 90’s. Graphical user interfaces came to dominate and they required advanced programming environments. Functionality like inheritance, sub-typing and instantiation helped programmers combat the complexities of highly interactive user dialogs. The corresponding Data Modeling tool is the Unified Modeling Language ...”

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Graph Databases: They Who Forget the Past...

Out of the plethora of misconceptions common in the industry[1], quite a few are squeezed into this paragraph:
“The relational databases that emerged in the ’80s are efficient at storing and analyzing tabular data but their underlying data model makes it difficult to connect data scattered across multiple tables. The graph databases we’ve seen emerge in the recent years are designed for this purpose. Their data model is particularly well-suited to store and to organize data where connections are as important as individual data points. Connections are stored and indexed as first-class citizens, making it an interesting model for investigations in which you need to connect the dots. In this post, we review three common fraud schemes and see how a graph approach can help investigators defeat them.

Relational databases did not emerge in the 80s (SQL DBMSs did);
  • There is no "tabular data" (the relational data structure is the relation, which can be visualized as a table on a physical medium[2], and SQL tables are not relations);
  • Analysis is not a DBMS, but an application function (while database queries, as deductions, are an important aspect of analysis, and computational functions can be added to the data sublanguage (as in SQL), the primary function of a DBMS is data management)[3];
  • A data model has nothing to do with storage (storage and access methods are part of physical implementation, which determines efficiency/performance[4]).

Here, however, we will focus on the current revival (rather than emergence) of graph DBMSs claimed superior -- without any evidence or qualifications -- to SQL DBMSs (not relational, which do not exist) that purportedly "make it difficult to connect data scattered across multiple tables". This is a typical example of how lack of foundation knowledge and of familiarity with the history of the field inhibit understanding and progress[5].

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Class, Type, Set, Relvar, and Relation

Note: This is a rewrite of a part of an older post (now redirecting here), to bring into line with McGoveran's formalization, re-interpretation, and extension of Codd's RDM[1] (the rewrite of the other part was posted last week).
“[According to Date] relvar ≠ class. [But i]n simple terms, class applies to a collection of values allowed by a predicate, regardless of whether such a collection could actually exist. Every set has a corresponding class, although a class may have no corresponding set ... in mathematical logic, a relation is a class (and trivially also a set), which contributes to confusion.”

“In modern programming parlance, class is generally distinguished from type only in that the latter refers to primitive (system-defined) data definitions, while class refers to higher-level (user-defined) data definitions. This distinction is almost arbitrary, and in some contexts, type and class are actually synonymous.”
Class, type, and set are often used interchangeably in the industry. Relations are neither class, nor type, and Date's relvars must be placed properly in their formal context. While details regarding these concepts vary with the flavor of set theory, they are sufficiently well defined to be distinguishable in each of the three formal foundations of the RDM, simple set theory (SST), mathematical relation theory, and first order predicate logic (FOPL).

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Understanding Domains and Attributes

Note: This is a rewrite of one section of an older post (page thereof now links here), to bring it into line with McGoveran's formalization, re-interpretation, and extension of Codd's RDM[1]. The rewrite of the other part will be posted next.
“I don't understand the concepts of domain and attribute in relational database modeling. Can someone give me an effective example?”

“Domain is an overloaded word in the DB lexicon. It probably should also be avoided. When one refers to an attribute domain in practice it is only referring to columns that have a check constraint on them that limit the values. Reference tables with foreign key constraints in general also fulfill the spirit of what domain attributes do outside of an RDBMS.”

“A domain in most SQL usage is essentially an alias name for an existing type + restrictions on an existing type that can be used in a column. As for an attribute, it's essentially a COLUMN in SQL, a field in other types of databases, etc.”
To the extent that practitioners are familiar with domains, they equate them with programming data types (PDT), or, at best, with SQL data types.

Test your foundation knowledge -- are domains the same as PDTs or SQL data types?

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Data Modeling and NoSQL

Revised 3/25/18
"To the question “How relevant is data modeling in the world of NoSQL?” I give the following answer.

The main purpose of data modeling is to understand the business, some application domain, some users world. The model becomes a representation of that world -- the "things" in it, the relationships among those things and any constraints on those things or relationships. A secondary purpose is to build a database to contain information which pertains to and describes that domain."

"Generally we speak of the model coming first, then the implementation, and finally, the data gets collected and stored according to the model. Hence, the business data model should not be concerned with issues of physical stored representation, or the transformations/manipulations/constraints which are imposed to facilitate implementation in some data (storage) management system. That could be a relational DBMS, or a NoSQL tool".

" ... increasingly the data already exists in some form. Which leaves us with the task of figuring out what it means, what it represents -- that is, understanding the data as it represents some user domain. NoSQL tools are often designed to deal with existing data and to process it more efficiently (that may be an oversimplification!). Either way, you must understand the business in order to make sense of the data." 

--Gordon Everest,
I have written extensively on the three levels of representation and four types of model and I won't repeat it here -- readers can refresh their memory if necessary[1,2]. Everest's comments are at best ambiguous with respect to the levels and models (e.g., by data modeling he means business modeling, and his "business data model" lumps together business model and data model). It is to avoid such ambiguities and the resulting confusion that I recommend the three-fold terminology of conceptual modeling, logical database design and physical implementation, eschewing data modeling[3]. Here I will rely on my earlier writings to address strictly the issue of data modeling in the NoSQL context raised by Everest.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Physical Independence Part 1: Don't Mix Model with Implementation

Note: This is a rewrite of several older posts (which now link here), to bring them into line with the McGoveran formalization and interpretation [1] of Codd's true RDM.

"You constantly remind us that the relational model is a logical model having no connection to any physical model (so I infer). You also indicate how no commercial product fully implements the relational model. Therefore, how do we make use of the relational model when dealing with the physical constructs of a commercial database program (Oracle, Access, DB2, etc.)?" query

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Conventional Wisdom and True Relational Features

Here's what's wrong with last week's picture, namely:
"Per Date’s AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE SYSTEMS, Date & Darwen’s DATABASES, TYPES, AND THE RELATIONAL MODEL, and related references, the features of a relational database are values, types, attributes, tuples, relations, relation-valued variables, operators, and constraints.
  • A type is a set of values and related operators.
  • An attribute is a name, value, type triple.
  • A tuple is a set of attributes.
  • A relation is a set of tuples with a given heading.
  • A relation-valued variable (known as a relvar) is a persistent variable whose time-varying value is a relation." --Dave Voorhis, Computer scientist; lead developer of Rel, a true relational database system,

This is more or less the conventional wisdom, which is nothing like the true RDM envisioned by Codd [1].

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Object Orientation, Relational Database Design, Logical Validity and Semantic Correctness

Note: This is a 8/24/17 rewrite of a 5/20/13 post to bring it in line with McGoveran's formal exposition of Codd's RDM [1] and its correct interpretation.

08/25/17: I have added formal definitions of logical validity and semantic correctness. 
09/01/17: Minor revisions. 
09/02/17: Added references.
03/15/18: Minor revisions.

Here's what's wrong with last week's picture, namely:
"In my experience, using an object model in both the application layer and in the database layer results in an inefficient system. This are my personal design goals:
- Use a relational data model for storage
- Design the database tables using relational rules including 3rd normal form
- Tables should mirror logical objects, but any object may encompass multiple tables
- Application objects, whether you are using an OO language or a traditional language using structured programming techniques should parallel application needs which most closely correspond to individual SQL statements than to tables or "objects".

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