Showing posts with label POFN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POFN. Show all posts

Monday, May 2, 2022


Note: "Setting Matters Straight" is a new format: I post on LinkedIn an online Q&A involving data fundamentals that I subsequently debunk in a post here. This is to encourage readers to test their foundation knowledge against our debunking here, where we confirm what is correct and correct what is fallacious. For in-depth treatments check out the POSTS and our PAPERS, LINKS and BOOKS (or organize one of our on-site/online SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs). Questions and comments are welcome here and on LinkedIn.

Q: “How do I avoid too many relations in databases?”

A: “You don’t. Every relation is there to store meaningful data, hopefully you do not define database relations for data that are not to be stored in your database.”

A: “By following proper design principles. Normalization, standard data patterns, and progressing from logical to physical always. Never denormalize (or avoid normalizing in the first place) because performance never trumps accuracy. It really doesn't matter how fast you get the wrong answer.”

Sunday, April 10, 2022


Note: "Setting Matters Straight" (SMS) is a new format: I post on LinkedIn an online Q&A involving data fundamentals that I subsequently debunk in a post here. This is to encourage readers to test their foundation knowledge against our debunking here, where we confirm what is correct and correct what is fallacious. For in-depth treatments check out the POSTS and our PAPERS, LINKS and BOOKS (or organize one of our on-site/online SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs). 

Q: “How do you return the most recent record in SQL?”

A: “There are many ways of doing it. I would suggest (first thing came to my mind):
Select Top 1
from YourTable
order by TablePrimaryKey Desc;”
A: “If you mean "the last inserted record which has no datetime stamp field" ... you have a few options.
  • If you cannot use date/time -- your next best bet would be an auto-increment/sequence field, which assigns increasing numbers to each inserted record.
  • If that’s not available, you would have to rely on business logic e.g. order # or some such.
Some vendors, like Oracle, provide ROWID pseudocolumn for each record which might help in some quick’n’dirty cases -- it is not guaranteed to be sequential but could be (e.g., when table has had no DELETE operations).”

If you don't know, I set matters straight

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Nobody Understands the Relational Model: Semantics, Relational Closure and Database Correctness Part 2

 with David McGoveran 

(Title inspired by Richard Feynman)

In Part 1 we explained that all database relations are, mathematically, relations, but not all relations are database relations, which are in both 1NF and 5NF and we agreed with a statement in a LinkedIn discussion ending as follows: "Update anomalies are not as big of a problem as an algebra where relations aren't closed under join". Unfortunately, update anomalies, closure, and how relational operators were defined are all interrelated and represent an even "bigger problem". Update anomalies are not "bugs", let alone irrelevant, but actually a reflection of  that much bigger problem.

In this second part we delve into that problem.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Nobody Understands the Relational Model: Semantics, Relational Closure and Database Correctness Part 1

 with David McGoveran 

(Title inspired by Richard Feynman)

“As currently defined, relational algebra produces anomalies when applied to non-5NF relations. Since an algebra cannot have anomalies, they should have raised a red flag that RA was not defined quite right, especially defining "relation" as a 1NF table and claiming algebraic closure because 1NF was preserved. Being restricted to tabular representation as the "language" for relationships is like being restricted to arithmetic when doing higher mathematics like differential calculus -- you need more expressive power, not less! Defining RA operations in terms of table manipulations aided initial learning and implementations by making data management look simple and VISUAL. Unfortunately, it was never grasped how much was missing, let alone how much more "intelligent" the RA and the RDBMS needed to be made to fix the problems. And I can see that those oversights were, in part, probably due to having to spend so much time correcting the ignorance in the industry."
--David McGoveran
I recently posted the following Fundamental Truth of the Week on LinkedIn, together with links to more detailed discussions of 1NF and 5NF (see References):
“According to conventional understanding of the RDM (such as it is) [and I don't mean SQL], a relation is in at least first normal form (1NF) -- it has only attributes drawn from simple domains (i.e., no "nested relations") -- the formal way of saying that a relation represents at the logical level an entity group from the conceptual level that has only individual entities -- no groups thereof -- as members. 1NF is required for decidability of the data sublanguage.

However, correctness, namely (1) system-guaranteed logical validity (i.e., query results follow provably from the database) and (2) by-design semantic consistency (of query results with the conceptual model) requires that relations are in both 1NF and fifth normal form (5NF). Formally, the only dependencies that hold in a 5NF relation are functional dependencies of non-key attributes on the PK -- for each PK value there is exactly one value of every corresponding non-key attribute value. This is the formal way of saying that a relation represents facts about a group of entities of a single type.

Therefore we now contend that database relations are BY DEFINITION in both 1NF and 5NF, otherwise all bets are off.”
It triggered a discussion that raised some fundamental issues for which an online exchange is too limiting. This post offers further clarifications, including comments by David McGoveran, on whose interpretation of the RDM (LOGIC FOR SERIOUS DATABASE FOLKS, forthcoming) I rely on. The portions of my interlocutor in the discussion are in quotes.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

TYFK: Calculated Attributes -- Redundancy, Full Normalization and Relational Theory

Note: Each "Test Your Foundation Knowledge" post presents one or more misconceptions about data fundamentals. To test your knowledge, first try to detect them, then proceed to read our debunking, reflecting the current understanding of the RDM, distinct from whatever has passed for it in the industry to date. If there isn't a match, you can review references -- reflecting the current understanding of the RDM, distinct from whatever has passed for it in the industry to date -- which explain and correct the misconceptions. You can acquire further knowledge by checking out our POSTS, BOOKS, PAPERS, LINKS (or, better, organize one of our on-site SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs).

“If you have shopping cart, you probably have some field "TOTAL" somewhere that stores the final amount due for the customer. It so happens that such a thing violates relational theory...”

“Having a "TOTAL" field in your "order" table *might* violate relational theory, but if you make it so that only a trigger can update it based on what's in your "order_item" table, then I think it's fine. You still get data integrity and that is what matters.”

“I still fail to see what you mean by the "calculated TOTALS field" (attribute, really) violates the Relational Model.”

“The result of having the field ... is what is called a DELETE ANOMALY.”

“Most denormalizing means adding columns to tables that provide values you would otherwise have to calculate as needed.”

“There are four practical problems with a fully normalized database, three of which I have listed before. I will list them all here for completeness:
* No calculated values. Calculated values are a fact of life for all applications, but a normalized database lacks them. The burden of providing calculated values must be taken up by somebody somehow. Denormalization is one approach to this, though there are others.
--Database Programmer blog

“...I'm now working with IT to normalize part of the database to remove calculated fields...:
`lineitems`.`extended total` = `lineitems`.`units` * `biditems`.`price`.
`jobs`.`jobvalue` = the sum of related `lineitems`.`extended total` records
`orders`.`ordervalue` = the sum of related `jobs`.`jobvalue` records.”

Do calculated attributes (not fields!) violate relational theory and must be "normalized" out of them? Determining that requires foundation knowledge that is scarce in the industry, which has a poor and outdated understanding of the RDM.

Friday, January 1, 2021

OBG: Database Design and Guaranteed Correctness Part 2

Note: This is a re-write of an earlier post (which now links here), to bring it into line with the current understanding of the RDM derived from McGoveran formalization and interpretation of Codd's work[1]. Reference [9] is also an important re-write and is recommended pre-requisite for this post.

Continued from Part 1

 “The term database design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. In the relational model these are the tables and views ... However, the term database design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the database management system(DBMS). The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will be carried out by the database designer. Usually, the designer must:

  • Determine the data to be stored in the database.
  • Determine the relationships between the different data elements.
  • Superimpose a logical structure upon the data on the basis of these relationships.
Within the relational model the final step above can generally be broken down into two further steps, that of determining the grouping of information within the system, generally determining what are the basic objects about which information is being stored, and then determining the relationships between these groups of information, or objects.”
--What is a Relational Database,
There is, typically, much vagueness and confusion here and instead of debunking it makes more sense to provide a rigorous description of what database design really is: formalization of a conceptual model -- expressed as business rules -- as a logical model for representation in the database using a formal data model. If the data model is the RDM, the logical model consists of relations constrained for semantic consistency with the conceptual mode, the constraints being formalizations of the business rules.

Monday, July 20, 2020

OBG: Data Independence and "Physical Denormalization"

Note: I am re-publishing some of the articles and reader exchanges from the old DBDebunk (2000-06). How well do they hold up -- have industry knowledge and practice progressed? Judge for yourself and appreciate the difference between a sound foundation and the fad-driven cookbook approach.

January 2, 2001

  "... one of the "4 great lies" is "I denormalize for performance." You state that normalization is a logical concept and, since performance is a physical concept, denormalization for performance reasons is impossible (i.e., it doesn't make sense). What term would you use to describe changing the physical database design to be different from the logical design to enhance performance? Because normalization is a logical concept, you imply that this is not called denormalization."

Monday, March 23, 2020

TYFK: How (Not) to Compare NoSQL Systems and RDBMSs

Note: About TYFK posts (Test Your Foundation Knowledge) see the post insert below.
“But if you still want to compare NOSQL databases with RDBMS, they primarily vary in
1. "normalization" where RDBMS contains normalized (upto certain degree) data and NOSQL based database contains non-normalized data;
2. RDBMS based databases are (I MUST say, generally and it isn't a criteria) fully ACID compliant while NOSQL databases are partially ACID compliant.
3. RDBMS are much slower and difficult to scale while NOSQL databases are much faster and easily scalable.
4. RDBMS normalization was very useful 50 years ago when cost of disk and memory was high, and computation power was limited. With the revolution in computing power, cheapest disk and memory availability has made RDBMS normalization a matter of joke - many people do not really understand why they need to normalize data in today's time.”
First try to detect the misconceptions, then check against our debunking. If there isn't a match, you can acquire the necessary foundation knowledge in our POSTS, BOOKS, PAPERS, LINKS or, better, organize one of our on-site SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs.

Note: In what follows RDBMS refers to a truly relational DBMS (of which currently aren't any), not to be confused with a SQL DBMS.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The RDM and Model Stability

“3rd normal form data models in data warehousing efforts struggle when changes impact parent child relationships. These impacts cause cascading changes to the data model, the queries, and the loading processes. [For example:]
  • There are bank accounts
  • Each account belongs to exactly one customer
  • A customer can have more than one account
The bank introduces a new product: joint accounts, which means an account can now have more than one owner. It is clear that the 3NF model has to be extended in order to keep this new information; the data vault models seems to be able to fulfill the new requirement.

Some banks propose joint accounts, some don’t, therefore some use M:N relation between client and accounts and others 1:N. A model which is good for any possible case is actually awful model because it describes nothing: by looking at this model you can’t say if joint accounts exist among bank's products.”

--Data Vault and Model (in)Stability

Data warehousing/vault[1] are a red herring here -- the real issue is data independence. Some corrections and clarifications first:

  • Normal forms do not pertain to the data model itself -- the RDM -- but to relations in logical models created using strictly the RDM[2].
  • 3NF is insufficient -- relations are in 5NF by definition, otherwise correctness is not guaranteed[3].
  • The RDM was introduced as a database representation superior to old directed graph -- hierarchic and network (CODASYL) -- systems for conceptual models focused on relationships among entity groups, rather than among individual entities[4]. Graph database representation (nodes and edges) corresponds to a worldview at the conceptual level of parents-children (network) relationships, of which parent-children (hierarchy) is a special case. The relational representation (relations) corresponds to M:N relationships among entity groups, of which M:1 is a special case[5].

Note: Correctness -- logical and semantic[6] -- requires adherence to three principles of database design that jointly imply 5NF[7].

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Normalization and Further Normalization Part 2: If You Need Them, You're Doing It Wrong

In Part 1 we outlined some fundamentals of database design, namely the distinction between normalization to 1NF, and further normalization (to "full" 5NF), and explained that they are necessary only to repair poor designs -- if you (1) develop a complete conceptual model and (2) formalize it properly using the RDM, (3) adhering to the three core principles of database design, you should end up with a relational database in both 1NF and 5NF.

Here we apply this knowledge to the typical request for "normalization" help we presented in Part 1.

Friday, May 31, 2019

Normalization and Further Normalization Part 1: Databases Representing ... What?

Note: This is a re-write of older posts (which now link here), to bring them into line with the McGoveran formalization, re-interpretation, and extension[1] of Codd's RDM.
“A particular bug-bear and a mistake that +90% of "data modelers" make, is analyzing "point in time" views of the business data and "normalizing" those values hence failing to consider change over time and the need to reproduce historic viewpoints. Let’s say we start with this list of data-items for a Sales-Invoice (completely omitting details of what’s been sold):
  Customer Name,
Nearly every time, through the blind application of normalization we get this ... there’s even a term for it -- it’s called "over-normalization":
   REFERENCES Customer-Account,


A measure of scarcity of foundation knowledge in the industry are the attempts to correct a plethora of common misconceptions[2] that suffer from the very misconceptions they aim to correct. One of the most common fallacies is confusion of levels of representation[3] that takes two forms[4]. We have written extensively about the logical-physical confusion (LPC)[5,6,7,8] underlying "denormalization for performance"[9], and the conceptual-logical conflation (CLC) that lumps conceptual with data modeling[10,11,12], inhibiting understanding that the latter is formalization of the former. 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Understanding Data Modeling Part 2: "E/RM" and "RDM"

In Part 1 we presented some foundation knowledge with which to debunk misconceptions lurking in the industry's modeling mess that Friesendal has tried to map. We now proceed to apply it to the various industry "data models" considered by Friesendal, and his understanding thereof. In this part, we apply this knowledge to the first two industry "data models" considered by Friesendal -- the E/RM and RDM.

"Entity-Relationship Model"

“One of the first formal attempts at a framework for Data Modeling was the Entity-Relationship data model paradigm proposed [in 1976] by Peter Chen. Notice that in the original Chen-style, the attributes are somewhat independent and the relationships between entities are named and carry cardinalities ("how many" participants in each end of the relationship) ... Attributes are related to their "owner" entity" in what other people called "functional dependencies".”

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Data and Meaning Part 4: Query and Result Correctness

As we have seen in Parts 1, 2, and 3, the RDM is a formal theory adapted and applied to database management: database relations (1) preserve the formal properties of mathematical relations, but also (2) have interpretations -- carry a real world meaning assigned by a conceptual model: facts about entities, entity groups, and multigroups (i.e., their properties, some of which are relationships, specified by business rules (BR)). A relation is formally in 5NF and constrained for semantic consistency (i.e., to represent facts about an entity group).
“When we create specific domains, relations, and attributes we are constraining (restricting) an abstract logical system to a specific interpretation (meaning). Seen the other way around, an interpretation of the logical system is a representation of a specific segment of the world, and that is exactly the purpose of database design. For example, an attribute name created by the designer is assigned meaning intended by the modeler as representing an entity property, which is the very meaning of semantics. That is why full normalization cannot be achieved or assessed without reference to some conceptual model -- what attribute names mean, and how they are related to each other (i.e., their dependencies), and so on.” --David McGoveran
Yet requesting and giving design advice without a conceptual model is routine in the industry[1]. What is more, most practitioners are oblivious to the implications for correctness of queries and results[2].

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Foreign Keys Part 2: Beware of Misconceptions

Note: This is the second part of a multipart re-write of several older posts to bring them into line with the McGoveran formalization and re-interpretation of Codd's real RDM, including revisions, refinements, and extesions of his own[1].

(Continued from Part 1)

Part 1 started with an online exchange triggered by the question “Do I Have to Use Foreign Keys? If I am already manipulating data properly, are foreign keys required? Do they have another purpose that I’m just not aware of?” Both the question and the replies exhibit misconceptions about FKs (there are misconceptions about almost everything in the RDM[2]) rooted in lack of foundation knowledge, so we provided some FK fundamentals. We are now in a position to debunk the replies.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Foreign Keys Part 1: Understanding the Fundamentals

Note: This is the first part of a two-part re-write of several earlier posts, to bring them into line with McGoveran's formalization and re-interpretation of Codd's true RDM, which includes his own corrections, refinements and extensions[1]. For a more in-depth treatment see the series of papers available here.
“Do I Have to Use Foreign Keys? If I am already manipulating data properly, are foreign keys required? Do they have another purpose that I’m just not aware of? I appreciate the guidance!”
“... [we] wish to make a point. There is something which is bad design/good design/mandatory/optional. Please stop insisting that Primary and Foreign keys are mandatory. They are good design habits but by no means mandatory. However, life is much more complex than a Normalized DB structure. This includes tables serving as event logs; tables, serving as User maintained materialized query tables, tables, serving as supporting structures, reflecting state of complex transactional databases; persistent tables serving as Result Set or Session keepers. And I personally believe that if they were truly mandatory, Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres, DB2, etc. would require them. Oh, sorry, forgot the SQL standard itself. This is not the relational model we're talking about. These are commercially available RDBMSs which, not surprisingly, DO tend to listen to their customers. If they didn't, they wouldn't be in business!! Since Sybrand is unlikely to get FKs required by the SQL standard or the major RDBMS vendors, it seems that mandatory means that his answer to the question "Do I have to use foreign keys?" is "You would if you worked in my shop!". I'm inclined to agree with that.”
“Databases can work with or without primary keys and foreign keys. The choice is yours... However ... enforcing referential integrity can be done by many methods ... TMTOWTDT = There is more than one way to do this ... It all depends on your approach... In the last ten years... every one is enforcing referential integrity with help of primary and foreign keys but before this ... a lot of applications were working without primary and foreign keys to enforce referential integrity and to avoid orphaned rows/avoid duplicate records.”
“We don't have every possible logical relationship enforced by the database. Sometimes you have to compromise for performance reasons, as too many foreign key validations can slow down high volume inserts. Other times you have to create breakpoints just to keep the web of relationships from becoming too tangled and connecting hundreds or thousands of tables.”
“I think it is preferable to have FK constraints as an additional security layer and they can be disable[d] during loading if required; however, you need to be 100% certain your ETL is enforcing the constraints. It is best to do both - have the ETL reject records which fail FK checks and report on these whilst also enforcing FK intergrity on insert/update, if appropriate. The only additional thing I can add is - when you delete from a FK enabled DB, make sure you do it in the correct order.”
“I think, you have to learn about data structures and logical data design (not only database, which is nowadays interpreted mainly as only RDBMS), to be clear about usage primary, alternate, and foreign keys, normal forms, data integrity-and database integrity, because your database will work suboptimally without these knowledge if it will work at all.”
Data practitioners have high levels of tool knowledge, but lack a good grasp of fundamentals, for which reason they cannot be considered data professionals. Now, do not get me wrong: I do not mean that good knowledge of tools is unimportant -- if you work with them you gotta know them real well -- but the ability to fully assess them, use them optimally, and compensate for any shortcomings is limited in the absence of foundation knowledge. So let's have some before tackling the exchange.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

What Relations Really Are and Why They Are Important

Note: Some of the References have been re-written to bring them into line with the McGoveran formalization and interpretation [1] of Codd's real RDM -- re-reading is recommended.

Here's what's wrong with the picture of two weeks ago, namely:

"In SQL RDBMSes (such as MS SQL Server and Oracle] tables are permently stored relations, where the column names defined in the data dictionary form the "heading" and the rows are the "tuples" of the relation."

"A relation can be represented by a table in database. A relation in the context of modeling a problem will include the fields and possibly the identification of fields which have relationships with other relations..."

"Put simply, a "relation" is a table, the heading being the definition of the structure and the rows being the data."

"In simple English: relation is data in tabular format with fixed number of columns and data type of each column. This can be a table, a view, a result of a subquery or a function etc."

"A relation is a table, which is a set of data. A table is the result of a query."

--What is a relation in database terminology?,

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Database Design: What It Is and Isn't

Revised 10/31/17.

Note: Posts starting with this one will be consistent with the TERMINOLOGY page. Fundamental terms -- the grasp of which is necessary for data management practice -- will be boldened. When you encounter one you don't understand, better find out what it means, chances are it's being misused or abused. Once the page is finalized, labels and, time permitting, old posts may also be revised accordingly. 

Reference [9] is an important rewrite and is recommended pre-requisite
for this post that you should read first.

Here's what's wrong with the picture of three weeks ago, namely:
"The term database design can be used to describe many different parts of the design of an overall database system. Principally, and most correctly, it can be thought of as the logical design of the base data structures used to store the data. In the relational model these are the tables and views. In an object database the entities and relationships map directly to object classes and named relationships. However, the term database design could also be used to apply to the overall process of designing, not just the base data structures, but also the forms and queries used as part of the overall database application within the database management system(DBMS).

The process of doing database design generally consists of a number of steps which will be carried out by the database designer. Usually, the designer must:

  • Determine the data to be stored in the database.
  • Determine the relationships between the different data elements.
  • Superimpose a logical structure upon the data on the basis of these relationships.
Within the relational model the final step above can generally be broken down into two further steps, that of determining the grouping of information within the system, generally determining what are the basic objects about which information is being stored, and then determining the relationships between these groups of information, or objects." --Halil Lacevic, What is a Relational Database?,
Many problems in database practice are due to failure to grasp what a data model is and the important distinctions between DBMS functions on the one hand and application functions on the other.

The three design steps above are vague, somewhat confused and obscure more than enlighten. They do not reflect the fact that database design is formalization of a conceptual model of reality as relations constrained to be consistent with the business rules the model consists of. 

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Object Orientation, Relational Database Design, Logical Validity and Semantic Correctness

Note: This is a 8/24/17 rewrite of a 5/20/13 post to bring it in line with McGoveran's formal exposition of Codd's RDM [1] and its correct interpretation.

08/25/17: I have added formal definitions of logical validity and semantic correctness. 
09/01/17: Minor revisions. 
09/02/17: Added references.
03/15/18: Minor revisions.

Here's what's wrong with last week's picture, namely:
"In my experience, using an object model in both the application layer and in the database layer results in an inefficient system. This are my personal design goals:
- Use a relational data model for storage
- Design the database tables using relational rules including 3rd normal form
- Tables should mirror logical objects, but any object may encompass multiple tables
- Application objects, whether you are using an OO language or a traditional language using structured programming techniques should parallel application needs which most closely correspond to individual SQL statements than to tables or "objects".

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Relational Fidelity, Cursors and ORDER BY

Here's what's wrong with last database picture, namely:
"In a book I am reading (QUERYING SQL SERVER 2012) the author talks about theory of how databases work. He mentions relations, attributes and tuples etc. He frequently stresses the fact that some aspect of T-SQL is not relational. Like in the following excerpt:
"T-SQL also supports an object called a cursor that is defined based on a result of a query, and that allows fetching rows one at a time in a specified order. You might care about returning the result of a query in a specific order for presentation purposes or if the caller needs to consume the result in that manner through some cursor mechanism that fetches the rows one at a time. But remember that such processing isn’t relational. If you need to process the query result in a relational manner--for example, define a table expression like a view based on the query--the result will need to be relational. Also, sorting data can add cost to the query processing. If you don’t care about the order in which the result rows are returned, you can avoid this unnecessary cost by not adding an ORDER BY clause."
I would like to know, since every implementation of SQL pretty much has an ORDER BY clause which makes it non-relational, why does it even matter that (the set after ORDER BY is used) its not relational anymore since its like that everywhere? I can understand if he said it was non-standard, for example using != instead of <> for inequality because that affects portability etc., but I do not understand why something is better being relational. Please enlighten."

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Structure, Integrity, Manipulation: How to Compare Data Models

The IT industry operates like the fashion industry: every few years -- and the number keeps getting smaller -- a "new" data technology pops up, with vendors, the trade media and various "experts" all stepping over each other to claim that it'll "revolutionize your business" and unless you jump on the bandwagon, you'll be "left behind." But time and again these prove to be fads lacking a sound foundation. Huge resources are invested in migrations from fad to fad, rather than in productive work (Don't believe the hype about Hadoop usage, Basta, Big Data It's Time to Say Arrivederci). Remember?
"Hadoop seems to take over relational database, as Hbase can store even unstructured data whereas relational data warehouse limits to structured data ... handles traditional structured data just fine, albeit in a different way than a RDBMS ... EDW vendors [will] incorporate Hadoop framework into their core architectures to enable advanced and high performance analytics."

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