Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mountain View Presentation

I will be giving a presentation to the Silicon Valley SQL Server User Group:

Foundation Knowledge for Database Professionals

October 16, 6:30pm

1065 La Avenida
Building 1
Mountain View, CA (map)

It is open to all. Please join us and invite anybody who might be interested.

More details here

Quote of the Week

I've read a few things about NoSQL (technology or movement? That is the question!). As my colleague Stuart McLachlan rephrased the question: If it's a movement, the real question is whether it's a religious or bowel movement.

To Laugh or Cry?

To Laugh or Cry? items are specifically selected as lost causes (usually, the problems lie with either the author of the item, or with those who respond to it, or both). For that reason I normally do not comment on them. This week's piece is somewhat unusual in that the target is not the author, but rather a vendor. The following item was brought to my attention by Matt Rogish.

Diego Basch, I’ll Give MongoDB Another Try. In Ten Years.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Davide and David on NoSQL

After publishing my 3-parter on NoSQL I came across a post by Davide Mauri and an interview with David McGoveran on the subject, to which I would like to add some clarifications (this is not a debunking, as they hardly justify such).

Mauri asks: "Do NoSQL people really want to drop the relational model?"

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Data Models and Usefulness

In my 3-part article on dynamic schema, NoSQL and the relational model I admitted that I did not know much about NoSQL products in general and MongoDB in particular. Nevertheless, it was not difficult to figure out what problems would be faced using a docubase for database management purposes.

Then Matt Rogish alerted me to Why I Migrated Away From MongoDB. I suggest you read it in the context of my article and see how close my suspicions were to reality. Here are some quotes worth pondering (emphasis mine):
Alas, not being aware of the mathematics behind relational algebra, I could not see clearly the trap I was falling into - document databases are remarkably hard to run aggregations on and aggregating the data and presenting meaningrful statistics on your receipts is one of the core features of digiDoc. Without the powerful aggregation features that we take for granted in RDBMSs, I would constantly be fighting with unweildy map-reduce constructs when all I want is SUM(amount) FROM receipts WHERE <foo> GROUP BY <bar>. 
People keep complaining that JOINs make your data hard to scale. Well, the converse is also true - Not having JOINs makes your data an intractable lump of mud. 
...when I last looked something as simple as case-insensitive search did not exist. The recommended solution was to have a field in the model with all your search data in it in lower case [FP: heh, heh]... And if I add a new field to the model? Time to regenerate all the search strings. I can only come to the conclusion that mongodb is a well-funded and elaborate troll.
...somewhere along the stack of mongodb, mongoid and mongoid-map-reduce, somewhere there, type information was being lost.
Then it might have been the lack of an enforced schema? Thinking about it though, schemas are wonderful. They take all the constraints about your data and put it in one place. Without a schema, this constraint checking would be spread all over my application. A document added a month ago and a document added yesterday could look completely different and I’d have no way of knowing. Such fuzzy schemaless data models encourage loose thinking and undisciplined object orientation.
Anybody with foundation knowledge would expect these problems. As I argued so many times: a data structure determines manipulation and, therefore, usefulness for a given informational purpose.

Oh, and in this context, see my AllAnalytics posts and the exchanges with readers: 

Knowing What a Database Is
Unstructured Data

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Object Orientation, Logic and Database Management

WS writes:
On the subject of object orientation I often feel inclined to quote Leslie Lamport's comment in the introduction to his book "Specifying Systems": "If exposure to C++ hasn't completely destroyed your ability to think logically, you should have no trouble filling in the gaps in your mathematics education".
I tried for many years to understand OO, but without success. It didn't occur to me until I encountered the material on dbdebunk that the problem might not lie with me. OO's lack of a formal definition leads, I think inevitably, to what I have come to call PALC (Pointless Additional Layers of Complexity). Every addition to OO leads to new problems that require ever more complicated solutions, that in turn create a whole new set of problems.

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