Saturday, October 26, 2013

Site Update

1. Quote of the Week
Can any one guide me, how to search specific value in all database table? in output we required tables and columns name.

2. To Laugh or Cry?
Go On, Live a Little. Denormalize Your Data

3. Online

My October post @All Analytics
Big Data Uber Alles
A follow-up exchange to previous exchanges on my post E/RM Is Not a Data Model.
What is a Data Model And which “Data Model” do you prefer
My own follow-up is forthcoming here.

4. I've done some house cleaning and found some links that I accumulated at various points in time that I deemed worth reading, but which fell victims to lack of time. They may be interesting or useful to others, so I list them here.

On relational technology:

5. And now for something completely different: the wastebasket and the barber.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Site Update

1. Quote of the Week
... MongoDB, or RavenDB ... are excellent for non-relational, loose schema databases. Databases always have schemas, the data is the schema, inherently in dbs like Raven & Mongo.

2. To Laugh or Cry?
Easy Steps to a Complete Understanding of SQL

3.  Three online exchanges on my E/RM post in which in participated.
Entity-Relationship Model Not a Data Model
Entity-Relationship Model Not a Data Model
Entity-Relationship Model Not a Data Model
The last one is an excellent validation that many data professionals erroneously believe they know and understand the RM--which prevents them from appreciating its value and doing something about it. It also demonstrates that schooling is not education.

I may tackle some of the comments in a future post.

4.  How much would you bet against my suspicion that there is little/superficial, if any, relational
background to this?
SQL Database for Beginners
6.  And now for something completely different

 From article on Marissa Meyer:
They say her obsession with the user experience masks a disdain for the money-making side of the technology industry. There is some truth to what they say ... Mayer joined Google as a programmer and rose to become the executive in charge of the way Google search and many other popular Google products looked to web users ... She obsessed over pixels; their hue, shade, and placement. She co-authored a handful of patents, including an important one for Google: "Graphical user interface for a universal search engine." By 2005, Mayer moved into management, overseeing the look and feel of Google's most important products ... But being in charge of how Google products should look, Mayer's job was, basically, to relate with Google's millions of users. How would she do that? ... The first is that she would recreate the technological circumstances of her users in her own life. ...  Mayer's second method was to lean on data. She would track, survey, and measure every user interaction with Google products, and then use that data to design and re-design.
Wow, and after all this the user interface of all Google's online services sucks, they are buggy and there is practically no user support? Imagine what will happen without Marissa Meyer there!

And, oh, the cultural sophistication of the technology elite. Helps understand their output.
2013 Tour de Coop Chickens, Beehives & Homesteads Silicon Valley Funcheap

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Testing Your Foundation Knowledge

Expertise in a field and ability to convey it to others are distinct and the latter requires different motivation, skills and talent. Many top technical experts are more often than not poor communicators, whether verbally or in writing, for some inherent reasons, Codd being an excellent example. That's one of the core reasons for poor foundation knowledge in data management in general, and the appreciation of the relational model in particular.

In a previous post I started a little experiment: I asked both readers who think they know and understand the relational model (RM) and those who do not but want to, to comment on whether a theoretically correct explanation of data fundamentals offered by reader PK was helpful and, if not, why not. I promised to draw some conclusions regarding the difficulty of dispelling misconceptions without losing either theoretical rigor, or the audience--a non-trivial task for an educator in an industry that deems theory impractical.

I can't say the response exactly answered my question (I recommend reading the comments, though). But let me, as promised, try my hand at making better sense of both the explanation and the comments (for an in-depth treatment see paper #1, Business Modeling for Database Design). Let me know if it helps..

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Site Update

1. Schedule reminder
September 23rd, 10:00am, San Francisco, CA
The CWA, Missing Data and the Last NULL in the Coffin
Presentation, Oaktable Conference, Oracle OpenWorld
October 8, Milan, Italy
Denormalization for Performance: A Costly Illusion
Public presentation, UGISS SQLSaturday
October 9-10, 2013, Milan, Italy
Business Modeling for Database Design
Private seminar sponsored by Microsoft and organized by SolidQ
Contact: Davide Mauri, SolidQ

2. Quote of the Week
I am constructing a new website ... using node.js. Its aim is to have many subscriber (people who offer help and people who need help) it should be scalable in different language. I have to decide wich is the more suitable db. I am thinking about to have two db (mongodb and postgress) for site languages and people account, people should vote other people ability. As db experts could you give me some suggestions? What would think could be a good db choice?

3. To Laugh or Cry?
Can anyone guide about using DB2

4. Online

 5. There were several posts on this site about Meijer article, its support by a letter to the editor and reactions by David McGoveran and C. J. Date to both. But I missed the one by my fellow relationlander Erwin Smout: A letter by Carl Hewitt. At one point he writes:
At any rate, I'm still left wondering what mr. Hewitt's problem is here.
I don't know why he wonders -- it is pretty obvious to me.

6. The frequency of fads has been increasing and the time between them decreasing. Today pushing a "new thing" starts before the last fad is exhausted: The Next Wave of Data Management

7. And now for something completely different: How the US Crushed Youth Resistance

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Site Update

1. Schedule reminder
September 23rd, 10:00am, San Francisco, CA
The CWA, Missing Data and the Last NULL in the Coffin
Presentation, Oaktable Conference, Oracle OpenWorld
October 8, Milan, Italy
Denormalization for Performance: A Costly Illusion
Public presentation, UGISS SQLSaturday
October 9-10, 2013, Milan, Italy
Business Modeling for Database Design
Private seminar sponsored by Microsoft and organized by SolidQ
Contact: Davide Mauri, SolidQ

2. Quote of the Week
Q: One of the main resistences of RDBMS users to pass to a NoSQL product are related to the complexity of the model: Ok, NoSQL products are super for BigData and BigScale but what about the model?

A: Actually graphs are the way we (people) think and organization data in our head, as computer people it is on[e] of the most popular way[s] we are taught to think about data, so this should be natural.

3. To Laugh or Cry?
"Splunk for Big Data"

4. My comment at Robert Young's blog
No Mas!! No Mas!!

Something I argued much before they did.
Think Big Data Is All Hype? You're Not Alone

5. And now for something completely different.
High-tech toilets vulnerable to hackers
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