Saturday, December 7, 2013

The "Tyranny" of Knowledge and Reason

WS writes:
I thought Happiness is a glass half empty might be suitable for the "and now for something completely different" part of the site.

Sadly the museum of failed products doesn't contain any software products, but I suspect that if it did, it would contain a lot of products that were going to definitely replace the relational model. I also suspect that many of these products would be reiterations of previously failed products marketed under a different name.

I think there are also some interesting points about how some people believe that their talents are innate and others believe that anything can be learned, given enough time and effort. I wonder if there is some connection between overestimating one's abilities and believing one has an innate talent for some discipline. From my own personal experience I would say that I have often overestimated my abilities when I believed I had a gift for some subject. If I have struggled hard to master something then I generally have a better idea of how much I still have to learn.

I have also found that having a better knowledge of the theory of data management has helped me to see clearly at the start when something is doomed to failure.
If 'replacement' is used in the theoretical sense, I've always claimed that an alternative to predicate logic and set theory as a formal basis for database management is a rather tall order, to put it politely. What is more, if DBMS designers and users don't even know what a data model is, or that database management is impossible without one, what is the chance that some such alternative will emerge?

If used in the implementation sense, we can't really talk of replacement of what was never truly and fully implemented and adopted--SQL is hardly it. As to relabeled reiterations, those who don't know the past...

In general there is an instinct to believe better of oneself than is justified. It is an important objective of intellectual development, of which the scientific method and theoretical foundations are a core element, to bound that tendency and bring overestimation closer to reality. This explains the common disdain of many data professionals who are only tool trained, but not educated, for what I refer to as the tyranny of knowledge and reason, that "robs them of their "freedom" to do whatever they happen to think is best"to achieve the purpose.

The article refers to failed consumer products that "nobody wanted to buy". There is an important difference between most of those and technological foundations on which they are based: either you like them immediately upon use, or you don't--it's a matter of sheer, opinion, preference, or taste. The same attitude to theoretical foundations can lead to serious trouble which will materialize in the long term. It is training without education that tends to induce the notion that nothing but innate talent and practice/experience are sufficient for competence.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Site Update

1. Quote of the Week (h/t Matt Rogish)
"For quite a few years now, the received wisdom has been that social data is not relational, and that if you store it in a relational database, you’re doing it wrong."
Not that I mind seeing brand-new-fangled, hark-to-the-past obsolete dross like MongoDB and its ilk being recognised for the compost it
2. To Laugh or Cry?
A Revolutionary Paradigm: The Failure of Relational Database, The Rise of Object Technology and the Need for the Hybrid Database
Brothers, can you spare me the paradigms?

3. Online
What is this Data Integration Innovation

4. No SQL!
NYT Project Chaos Due Partly To Unorthodox Database Choice
Administration announces another delay

5. And now for something completely different (well, not completely!)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Structuring the World With 'Unstructured Data'

Database management depends on structure -- of reality and of data representing it in databases -- which determines the data manipulation and integrity enforcement by database management systems (DBMS).

Having argued this for decades I have been, predictably, quite skeptical of the hype of systems that manage and extract information from so-called "unstructured data," purportedly obviating the need for business modeling and database design. It's also why I've been skeptical of the criticism of SQL-based DBMS as inflexible because they force big data, much of it text, into tabular schemas in which it doesn't fit or that is difficult to envision upfront. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Site Update

1. Quote of the Week.
My best advice in all architecture, and platform choices, like RDBMS vs NoSql. The number 1 question, every single assumption you have about the system, the "this is important because X Y X and this that etc etc. Every single "has to be" you have there, expect every single part of it to change. How would you build your system if every "key fact" was expected to change. These key facts, that are supposed to be pillars are actually volatility themselves and need accounted for, not accepted. --LinkedIn

2. To Laugh or Cry?
How can we add employees, dept and location tables in oracle 10g?

3. Online exchanges I participated in

I am referring you back to an item I posted in last update:
What is a Data Model And which “Data Model” do you prefer?
for two reasons: comments were added since then that should be read, some of which belong in the "To Laugh or Cry" category.

4. What do these two items tell you?
Next gen NoSQL: The demise of eventual consistency
Currently search engines are thought of as tools to find text but Ashok Chandra, Microsoft distinguished scientist and general manager of the Interaction and Intent Group at Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, believes people soon will think of search engines as “task engines.”
“Search technology began with words,” says Chandra.  “We built a whole search infrastructure around words. But in this new era of search, we are working with entities, because people think in terms of them, such as a hotel, a movie, an event, a hiking trail, or a person. The Leibniz platform is designed from the ground up to deal in entities, with the goal of making it easier for people to accomplish the tasks they set out to do.”
--A Look Microsoft’s ‘Leibniz’ Platform
BTW, I love "Interaction and Intent Group". Wonderful.

5. And now for something completely different.
 I Challenged Hackers to Investigate Me

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Site Update

1. Quote of the Week
Can any one guide me, how to search specific value in all database table? in output we required tables and columns name.

2. To Laugh or Cry?
Go On, Live a Little. Denormalize Your Data

3. Online

My October post @All Analytics
Big Data Uber Alles
A follow-up exchange to previous exchanges on my post E/RM Is Not a Data Model.
What is a Data Model And which “Data Model” do you prefer
My own follow-up is forthcoming here.

4. I've done some house cleaning and found some links that I accumulated at various points in time that I deemed worth reading, but which fell victims to lack of time. They may be interesting or useful to others, so I list them here.

On relational technology:

5. And now for something completely different: the wastebasket and the barber.

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