Saturday, March 7, 2015

Weekly Update (UPDATED)

1. Quote of the Week
I have been in the data side of IT for quite some time now and have seen the evolution of how data is ingested, manipulated and regurgitated to the end users in hope of telling our consumers "how much of something did something". The main issue seems to be complexity of the data models and the fact we don't have a model that can expand with the data without adding tons of new schema. The solution.

2. To Laugh or Cry?

3. Online Debunkings

4. Interesting Elsewhere

5. And now for something completely different

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Domains, R-tables, and SQL

March blog post @All Analytics:

To ensure sensible results from and correct interpretations of analysis of data from SQL tables or extracts thereof, analysts must know the tables’ interpretation -- the business rules underlying them -- which is rarely documented.

They should be represented in the database by integrity constraints -- not perfect substitutes, because they are very loose approximations to the rules -- but if they are enforced in the database by the DBMS they are usually recorded either in the definition statements that created the tables and constraints, or the database catalog.

Read it all

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

SQLSaturday Presentation

March 28, 11:15,  Mountain View


You're a SQL Server ace: your ability to squeeze everything from SQL and your performance tuning skills are unparalleled, but do you know what your tables really mean and, therefore, what queries make sense and whether results are correct and their interpretations sensible? This is a critical part of data fundamentals, the grasp of which is poor. It is a subject usually neither much covered in education, nor part of job requirements and industry dialogue, yet can defeat the entire purpose of your DBMS expertise. This presentation covers
  • Meaning, business rules and table interpretations;
  • Types of business rule; 
  • Meaning and database truth; 
  • Business rules, integrity constraints and database consistency; 
  • DBMS and user reponsibilities.
Session Level: Intermediate

Event full details

Contact: Mark Ginnebaugh

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Weekly Update

1. Quote of the Week
what is an index in database? how can it make the search faster? please help me understanding this. Project Manager Technical
Note the job title.

2. To Laugh or Cry?
Tableau Data Modeling Resolving Many to Many Relationship

3. Online debunkings
Comments on Codd's Marks are not SQL's NULLs

4. Interesting elsewhere

5. And now for something completely different 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Understand Class Business Rules

My February post @All Analytics.

To apply manipulation that makes sense to data originating in database tables and interpret results correctly, the analyst must know the meaning of the table(s) -- the underlying business rules. For tables designed to represent facts about a single class of entities each, the analyst should expect two categories of rules: property rules (discussed last month) and class rules, of which there are several types.

Read it all. (Please comment there, not here)


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