1. Quote of the Week
I'm not sure why you think integrity constraints are purely logical. Primary keys are physical constraints. They enforce that the primary key remains unique. Here's an example of SQL that creates a physical foreign key constraint.
ALTER TABLE FactInventoryCollections
REFERENCES ViewCubeDimClient(ClientPK);
Physical constraints allow the database engine to return an error if an operation attempts to insert a row that violates any defined constraints. --LinkedIn.com
2. To Laugh or Cry?
When One Data Model Just Won't Do: Polyglot Persistence
3. Online Debunkings
4. Interesting Elsewhere
David McGoveran has been working on a book tentatively titled LOGIC FOR SERIOUS DATABASE FOLKS intended to set some matters straight regarding the formal, set-theoretic and logic foundations of the RDM which have been misinterpreted. While he is not ready to publish yet, I asked and he agreed to post at
his site a draft of a chapter on view updating which I consider a must read (together with the Introduction), particularly since it exposes the thinking behind the
Principle of Orthogonal Design rejected by Date and Darwen.
David invites comments.
5. New Links
Added the following to the LINKS page:
6. And now for something completely different