Tuesday, July 25, 2023


Note: In "Setting Matters Straight" posts I debunk online pronouncements that involve fundamentals which I first post on LinkedIn. The purpose is to induce practitioners to test their foundation knowledge against our debunking, where we explain what is correct and what is fallacious. For in-depth treatments check out the POSTS and our PAPERS, LINKS and BOOKS (or organize one of our on-site/online SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs). Questions and comments are welcome here and on LinkedIn.

Q: “Does anyone have an alternative solution to the issue where multiple nulls are allowed in the same column for a unique index containing that column? I have a number of such nullable columns and unique index combinations in my database schema and I'm trying to avoid having to create additional generated as columns for each case.”

A: “null<>null so the problem's built into unique columns, perhaps the columns need to become non-nullable?”
“Some attributes in a tuple are not meant to be part of any relationship so people are safe to populate such relationshipless attributes with a Null when needed. Just an example, how about the famous MailAddressSecondLine attribute describing the optional second line of a mail address? You can populate it if needed or you can leave it with no value a.k.a. Null if you have nothing to put in there.”

“So, when YOU create an address table, do you have a "second address" line or do you normalize it? Enquiring minds want to know.”

“You are asking how I would implement optional parts of an address within the limitations of a fixed set of numbered address line attributes? If an address has fewer lines than there are attributes then I'd populate the extra lines with zero-length strings. Null wouldn't be appropriate because all the parts of the address are known and present and using null would give undesirable results. For example if you compare all the parts of an address in a join or subquery you ought to expect two identical addresses to be returned as equivalent, but that wouldn't work if you start adding nulls into addresses.”
We have discussed extensively the problems with and solution to the treatment of missing data in relational databases:

Monday, June 19, 2023


Note: In "Setting Matters Straight" posts I debunk online pronouncements that involve fundamentals which I first post on LinkedIn. The purpose is to induce practitioners to test their foundation knowledge against our debunking, where we explain what is correct and what is fallacious. For in-depth treatments check out the POSTS and our PAPERS, LINKS and BOOKS (or organize one of our on-site/online SEMINARS, which can be customized to specific needs). Questions and comments are welcome here and on LinkedIn.


“As I have said many times, if the original relational model had been based on predicate logic and also the semantics and rules of definitions we'd all be better off now. It wasn't. Full stop.”
--Ronald Ross, LinkedIn.com
Assessing such arguments normally requires clarification of what exactly is meant by "the relational model". Ross does refer specifically to the "original" -- which we take to mean that introduced by Codd in 1969-70 -- but given the massive misuse and abuse in the industry, perceptions of it may well be corrupted (Nobody Understands the Relational Model Semantics, Relational Closure and Database Correctness).  Moreover, there are many predicate logic (PL) systems and many ways of categorizing them (1st vs n-th order being only one way) -- we assume Ross means RDM is based on none.

Sunday, May 28, 2023


Note: "Then & Now" (t&n) is a new version of what used to be the "Oldies but Goodies" (OBG) series. To demonstrate the superiority of a sound theoretical foundation relative to the industry's fad-driven "cookbook" practices, as well as the disregarded evolution/progress of RDM, I am re-visiting my old debunkings, bringing them up to the current state of knowledge. This will enable you to judge how well arguments have held up and realize the increasing gap between industry stagnation --  and scientific progress.


(email exchange with a reader originally published September 2002)

“Saw your latest and once again I think you have hit one of the many protruding nails on the head. Understanding one's data is so central and so crucial and yet so often ignored.

All this talk (not from you, I note) of silver bullets. Nothing new and I wonder if the paying customers and the big-ticket so-called technology strategy companies will ever wise up. Edward de Bono wrote of 'porridge words' that distract thought from the matter at hand. When used sparingly, they can facilitate new lines of thought but when, as they are in this field, they are used so casually and often they blur the real issues. All this technicalese of XML etcetera has this effect on me.

During one of the few times an employer allowed me to help people with logical design, I was having difficulty because the customer's IT staff knew very little English and had perhaps even less database background. I hit on the idea of explaining tables as relations and relations as sentences - sentences that must have the same 'size and shape'. Their faces seemed to light up and when they agreed that they had overloaded some of their tables, I was very pleased with myself. I felt vindicated a few weeks later when I read an article about predicates and propositions that Hugh Darwen had written in the now defunct DBPD magazine, put these thoughts much more precisely than I could, . Of course, the changes created new problems because the database product, like so many others, gave precious few ways to map the logical design to the physical one. But I regarded these as preferable problems since the staff was much more interested in the more concrete physical optimization techniques.

Without any disrespect to Dr. Codd (who I once met but was too awe-struck to ask any questions of), I have often thought that the language used by everybody in the field, with words such as "tables", nearly always brings connotations of physical arrangements to the mind of anybody who has done traditional programming. This seems unfortunate to me. Especially after I read Mr. McGoveran's proposals for results that might embody more than one table. (I wonder if these might not be part of the key for much better physical integration of databases with their visualization for users, not to mention smarter engines.)

I came across a site https://www.mcjones.org/System_R/ the other day, where a bunch of the System R people reminisced about its development on the occasion of, I think, the 25th anniversary of one of Codd's early papers. Presumably Mr. Date was absent from this gathering so that he could write his own most interesting history, which I remember reading five or six years ago. Anyway, I was struck again by how often their design decisions were either determined or distorted by physical considerations. And now, when many of the obstacles have been overcome courtesy of Moore's and other laws, some of those clever people seem regretful.

Also, please let me submit an historical, non-technical 'nit' to Mr. Date - I remember him writing that Codd did not coin the database term 'normalization of relations' as a result of R.M. Nixon's foreign policy excursion with China. But I also remember reading what I recall was an original interview with Dr. Codd in the DBMS magazine where he stated that this was the case. It's not really important, perhaps I'm just sensitive to it because I live in a country that established relations with modern China a year earlier!”

Monday, May 8, 2023


Note: Reader mail (rm) posts are my exchanges with readers that raise fundamental issues. I may improve language for clarity and amplify with notes for the benefit of readers.

I've written more than once about Chen's E/RM (see references) and recently a reader emailed me a reaction to one of these writings, offering E/RM as evidence that properties were not necessary in conceptual modeling -- everything could be expressed with just entities and relationships. That is, of course, incorrect, but I was working at the time on my latest series of posts on Relationships and the RDM, which was going to address that issue too and I intended to refer him to it. But knowing that David McGoveran knew Chen in the 80s, I asked him if he had any comments. He thought that something broader and more forceful regarding Chen's work was in order and suggested some text. We had some discussion on the subject and decided that I will post my reply (ON PROPERTIES IN CONCEPTUAL MODELING) and publish his reply to the reader later, which I do below.

Sunday, April 30, 2023


Note: This is a multipart re-write of a previous series that, when completed, is intended to replace it.

In Part 1 we documented the differences between mathematical and database relations (see table in Part 1). We attributed the fallacy that the RDM can express only one type of relationship -- between relations using FKs -- to the industry being unaware of the adaptation of math relations for database management. We intimated that some of the additional features of database relations express relationships other than between relations.

In Part 2 we identified the intra-group c-relationships (and the corresponding within-relation l-relationships) in our approach to conceptual modeling:

  • Properties-entities relationships

- general dependencies

  • Properties Relationships
  • Entities Relationships

- entity uniqueness
- functional dependencies (FD)
- entity supertype-subtypes relationships

and used a simple conceptual model (CM) of six entity groups to illustrate them:

Customers (cID, cname, FICO, discount)
Products (pID, pname, price)
Salesmen (sID, sname, sales, salary, commission)
Orders (oID, pID, cID, sID, date, amount)
Order Items (oID, iID, pID, quantity)

Database design is the use of a data model (DM) (here, RDM) to formalize conceptual models (CM) -- including c-relationships -- as logical models (LM) for database representation, so it must be able to convert the business rules (BR) that express those relationships in specialized natural language at the conceptual level to formal constraints in a FOPL-based data sublanguage at the logical level.

Our intention is to demonstrate that the RDM can express all c-these relationships, but we face a difficulty.

Sunday, April 23, 2023


Note: "Then & Now" (t&n) is a new version of what used to be the "Oldies but Goodies" (OBG) series. To demonstrate the superiority of a sound theoretical foundation relative to the industry's fad-driven "cookbook" practices, as well as the disregarded evolution/progress of RDM, I am re-visiting my old debunkings, bringing them up to the current state of knowledge. This will enable you to judge how well arguments have held up and realize the increasing gap between industry stagnation --  and scientific progress.


(Email exchange with reader originally published August 2002)

Then ...

“I'd like to comment on your other recent articles: on denormalization. Of course you prove that denormalization does not improve performance, because you pay for it by maintaining integrity. But, when people say that de-normalization improves performance, they usually mean just on one side. For example, I can merge DEPT and EMP tables into a third table DE and achieve a better query performance by replacing a join by a simple select from the new table. If this is the most frequent and most important operation in my application (vs. updates, inserts, deletes), then my overall performance will be improved (and that's what usually happens in DW). But if the opposite is true, then performance will suffer. I didn't see these considerations in your articles ...

Many people, yes, but not nobody. I always considered the cost of denormalization. I know many people in this field that do the same; however, I do agree with you that many people, especially those "younger" ones learning from more "modern" books on database design, especially those in the OO field, are not aware, and what's worse, don't even want to be aware.

That's exactly how I always thought and when I had discussions with people, that's what I always said to them (not that it made a big difference in their thinking). However, when I read your articles on this topic, I had another thought. As you always say (and again, I fully agree with you on this), we must always separate logical and physical. I always considered denormalization as one of the things done at the physical level. So, denormalization shouldn't even be your concern, because it has nothing to do with the relational model. The rule I always follow is that whatever I do at the physical level, it should not destroy my logical model, which must stay normalized. If I denormalize to achieve some performance gains for a selected set of functions, then I do pay for it by writing additional logic to preserve the integrity and by creating views that represent the entities on my logical model, which I had to "destroy". So as long as I separate these two levels, I don't think I'm in any conflict with the relational model. Of course if DBMS gave me more options in physical design while protecting the integrity of my logical model, I wouldn't have to do this myself.

Theoretically, I think the way you do, and that's why I enjoy reading your columns. But I also have to deliver practical results to my users. Unfortunately, I can't go to my users and tell them that their response time is slow because of Oracle's technology. And I don't believe screaming at Oracle will do me any good either (and yes I know what you will say to this). So until that mysterious technology you mentioned many times is implemented, I have to do what I can.”

Sunday, April 16, 2023



Note: This is a multi-part complete re-write of a previous series which, when completed, is intended to replace it.

In Part 1 we attributed the fallacy that the RDM can express only one type of relationship -- between relations, using FKs -- to practitioners being unaware of the adaptation of math relations to database management and missing the additional features of database relations. We documented the differences in features between math and database relations (see the table in Part 1) and intimated that some of the additional features express relationships other than those between relations using FKs (which we leave out in this discussion).

In this Part 2 we identify the c-relationships and use a simple conceptual model (CM) of six entity groups:

Customers (cID, cname, FICO, discount)
Products (pID, pname, price)
Salesmen (sID, sname, sales, salary, commission)
Orders (oID, pID, cID, sID, date, amount)
Order Items (oID, iID, pID, quantity)

to illustrate them (to recall, we prepend 'relationship' with c- and l- when we use the term at the conceptual and logical levels, respectively).

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