Table of Contents
1. Logical Symmetric Access
2. Universal Data Sublanguage
2.1. FOPL vs. SOL
2.2. Relational Completeness
2.3. Computational Completeness and Hosting
3. Kinds of Relations
3.1. Expressible and Named Relations
3.2. Derived Relations
3.3. Data Storage
4. Derived Relations and Redundancy
4.1. Database Consistency
5. Database Catalog
Table of Contents
Series Preface
1. Interpretation of Database Relations
1.1. Attributes as Constrained Domains
1.2. Time-Varying Relations
2. Representation of Database Relations
2.1. Physical Data Independence
2.1.1. Uniquely Named Attributes
2.1.2. Primary Keys
2.1.3. Relations and R-tables
3. Normalization
3.1. First Normal Form and “Simple” Domains
3.2. Normalization and Non-simple Domains
3.2.1. Foreign Keys
In "Codd Almighty! Has it been half a century of SQL already?" the Register's Lindsay Clark interviews "Donald Chamberlin, Michael Stonebraker and more" about the legendary programming [sic] language. Chamberlin with Raymond Boyce were the authors of "the 1974 paper SEQUEL: A structured English query language as a way of addressing data in IBM's newly proposed System R, the first database to embody Edgar Codd's paper describing the relational model for database management.”
C. J. Date, who worked at IBM at the time, has often stated that the designers of SQL never understood RDM, and I expressed a similar stance in If You Liked SQL, You'll love XQuery. This has had an extremely detrimental effect on database technology--regress rather than progress--none of which transpires in the interview. So here is my reality check take on what you would not know from the interview.